/* Script developed by Eugene Krivorucho (c) 2008 Only for 2smi.ru use =) */ var iPB = 112 + 1; var time = 1; var numPic = 0; var padHeight = 100; var oblako = 0; var info = false; var description = false; var l_Block = false; var ie=document.all; var nn6=document.getElementById&&!document.all; var isdrag=false; var x,y; var dobj; // var he = ''; // var be = new Object; var hs = { opacity : 0.6, descriptionCounter : 1, ie : (document.all && !window.opera), safari : navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1, createElement : function (tag, attribs, styles, parent, nopad) { var el = document.createElement(tag); if (attribs) hs.setAttribs(el, attribs); if (nopad) hs.setStyles(el, {padding: 0, border: 'none', margin: 0}); if (styles) hs.setStyles(el, styles); if (parent) parent.appendChild(el); return el; }, setAttribs : function (el, attribs) { for (var x in attribs) { el[x] = attribs[x]; } }, setStyles : function (el, styles) { for (var x in styles) { try { if (hs.ie && x == 'opacity') { el.style.filter = styles[x] == 1 ? 'none' : 'alpha(opacity='+ (styles[x] * 100) +')'; } else el.style[x] = styles[x]; } catch (e) {} } }, position : function(el) { var p = { x: el.offsetLeft, y: el.offsetTop }; while (el.offsetParent) { el = el.offsetParent; p.x += el.offsetLeft; p.y += el.offsetTop; if (el != document.body && el != document.documentElement) { p.x -= el.scrollLeft; p.y -= el.scrollTop; } } return p; }, genContainer : function () { /* if (!hs.container) { hs.container = hs.createElement('div', null, { position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%' }, document.getElementById('description'), true ); } */ if (!hs.container) hs.container = document.getElementById('desc'); } } function pP() { numPic++; var eNumPic = document.getElementById('numPic'); var eNumPercent = document.getElementById('Percent'); numPercent = Math.round(100 / 112 * numPic); if (numPercent > 100) numPercent = 100; eNumPercent.style.width = (380 / 100) * numPercent+'px'; eNumPic.innerHTML = numPercent+'%'; } function sD(e, o, t) { if (t == 's') { if (description == true) closeDescription(); description = true; } else { if (description == true) closeDescription(); background(2); } if (e.tagName != 'DIV') e = document.getElementById(e); el = e.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0]; this.thumb = el; var key = this.key = hs.descriptionCounter++; var pos = hs.position(el); // store properties of thumbnail this.thumbWidth = el.width ? el.width : el.offsetWidth; this.thumbHeight = el.height ? el.height : el.offsetHeight; this.thumbLeft = pos.x; this.thumbTop = pos.y; // thumb borders this.thumbOffsetBorderW = (this.thumb.offsetWidth - this.thumbWidth) / 2; this.thumbOffsetBorderH = (this.thumb.offsetHeight - this.thumbHeight) / 2; // get the wrapper hs.genContainer(); //if (!hs.loading) { hs.loading = hs.createElement('div', { id: 'description_' + this.key, innerHTML: showText(e, o, t), className: 'descnews' }, { position: 'absolute', opacity: '1' }, hs.container ); //} oblako = this.key; this.loading = hs.loading; //this.loading.href = 'closeDescription('+ this.key +')'; this.loading.visibility = 'visible'; this.loading.style.left = (this.thumbLeft + this.thumbOffsetBorderW) +'px'; //+ (this.thumbWidth - this.loading.offsetWidth) / 2) this.loading.style.top = (this.thumbTop) +'px'; //+ (this.thumbHeight - this.loading.offsetHeight) / 2) if (o > 1) { if (!document.getElementById('oblako')) obl = document.getElementById('oblako2'); else obl = document.getElementById('oblako'); h = 0 - obl.clientHeight; if (o == 2) w = '-20px'; else w = '-308px'; obl.style.margin = h+'px 0 0 '+w; } } function showText(e, o, t) { text = news[e.id]; el = e.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0]; if (t == 's') html = '

' + text[1] + '

'; else { html = '
' + text[1] + '' + text[1] + 'Закрыть

' + text[0] + '

' + text[1] + '

' + text[2] + '

'; } return html; } function removeElementById(remele) { remele = document.getElementById(remele); remele.parentNode.removeChild(remele) } function closeOblako() { if (l_Block == false) { if (info == true) { e = document.getElementById('info'); e.style.display = 'none'; description = false; } if (oblako > 0) removeElementById('description_'+oblako); oblako = 0; } } function closeDescription() { if (info == true) { e = document.getElementById('info'); e.style.display = 'none'; description = false; } if (oblako > 0) removeElementById('description_'+oblako); oblako = 0; e = document.getElementById('transperent'); e.style.height = 0; e.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } function showNews() { showPic(1, iPB); } function hideNews(u) { document.getElementById('loading').style.visibility = 'visible'; hidePic(iPB - 1, u); } function hidePic(id, u) { if (id > 0) { e = document.getElementById('n_'+id).style.visibility = 'hidden'; setTimeout("hidePic("+(id - 1)+", '" + u + "')", time); } else { OptionRequest(u); closeOblako(); return true; } } function showPic(id, maxid) { if (id < maxid) { e = document.getElementById('n_'+id).style.visibility = 'visible'; setTimeout("showPic("+(id + 1)+", "+maxid+")", time); } else { document.getElementById('loading').style.visibility = 'hidden'; return true; } } function background(t) { if (!t) t = 1; e = document.getElementById('main_block'); height = e.clientHeight + 12; if (this.size().height > height) height = this.size().height; e = document.getElementById('transperent'); if (hs.ie) e.style.filter = hs.opacity == 1 ? 'none' : 'alpha(opacity='+ (hs.opacity * 100) +')'; else e.style.opacity = hs.opacity; e.style.visibility = 'visible'; if (t == 1) { scrollBG(e, 0, height); l_Block = true; } else e.style.height = height; } function scrollBG(e, s, h) { if (s < h) { b = s + padHeight; if (b > h) b = h; e.style.height = b; setTimeout("scrollBG(e, b, "+h+")", time); } else { l_Block = false; if (info == true) { width = this.size().width; e = document.getElementById('info'); e.style.top = '148'; e.style.left = width / 2 - 200; e.style.display = 'block'; } return true; } } window.size = function() { var w = 0; var h = 0; //IE if(!window.innerWidth) { //strict mode if(!(document.documentElement.clientWidth == 0)) { w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { //quirks mode w = document.body.clientWidth; h = document.body.clientHeight; } } else { //w3c w = window.innerWidth; h = window.innerHeight; } return {width:w,height:h}; } function showHtml(html) { url = 'http://2smi.ru/'+html; e = document.getElementById('info_block'); e.innerHTML = '

'; background(1); info = true; OptionRequest(url); } function OptionRequest(URL) { try { var requester = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (error) { try { var requester = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (error) {} } if(requester&&requester.readyState!=0) { requester.abort() } requester.open("GET", URL, true); requester.onreadystatechange=function() { if(requester.readyState==4 && requester.responseText) { if(requester.responseText.charAt(0) == "<"){ alert('Повторите попытку позже, сервер временно не доступен!'); } else { eval(requester.responseText); } } } requester.send("null"); } function showThemes(name) { numPic = -1; pP(); url = 'view.themes.'+name; //url = '/main.page.php?themes='+name+'&type=ajax'; hideNews(url); } Array.prototype.clear = function() { var obj = this this.length.times(function(index) { delete obj[index] }) this.length = 0 } Number.prototype.times = function(block) { for (var i = 0; i < this; i++) block(i) } function selectAll(e) { e.focus() e.select() } function showPicture(r) { n = document.getElementById('news'); n.innerHTML = ''; if (!html) var html = ''; if (!m) var m = 1; if (!k) var k = 1; for (var i = 1; i < 113; i++) { if (!p) var p = '0'; p = '0'; if (m > 14) { m = 1; k++; } if (m > 14 - 5) p = '1'; if (k > 8 - 3 && p == '0') p = '2'; if (k > 8 - 3 && p == '1') p = '3'; if (news[blocks[i]][3] > 0) html += '
'; else html += '
'; m++; } html += ''; n.innerHTML = html; } function movemouse(e) { if (isdrag) { dobj.style.left = nn6 ? tx + e.clientX - x : tx + event.clientX - x; dobj.style.top = nn6 ? ty + e.clientY - y : ty + event.clientY - y; return false; } } function selectmouse(e) { var fobj = nn6 ? e.target : event.srcElement; var topelement = nn6 ? "HTML" : "BODY"; while (fobj.tagName != topelement && fobj.className != "dragme") { fobj = nn6 ? fobj.parentNode : fobj.parentElement; } if (fobj.className=="dragme") { isdrag = true; dobj = fobj; tx = parseInt(dobj.style.left+0); ty = parseInt(dobj.style.top+0); x = nn6 ? e.clientX : event.clientX; y = nn6 ? e.clientY : event.clientY; document.onmousemove=movemouse; return false; } } document.onmousedown=selectmouse; document.onmouseup=new Function("isdrag=false"); function CreateBookmarkLink() { var title = '2smi.ru | отбираем лучшие новости'; var url = "http://2smi.ru/"; if (window.sidebar) { window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,""); } else if( window.external ) { window.external.AddFavorite( url, title); } else if(window.opera && window.print) { return true; } } function setHomepage(f) { f.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)'; f.setHomePage('http://2smi.ru/') }